Line- As a point moves, it path becomes a line. A line has length but no breadth. It has position and direction. It is band by points. It forms the border of a plane.
Plane- The path of a line in motion (in a direction other than its intrinsic direction) becomes a plane. A plane has length and breadth, but no thickness. It has position and direction. It is bound by lines. It defines the external limits of volume.
The lines are the black lines you see found all throughout the picture as they create shapes. The points are found at the ends of each of the lines pointed out previously. The plane is found in between the lines mentioned previously, they are located all throughout the photograph in different shapes.
The lines are found throughout the picture as the outline for all of the different circles you see. Or if you look closely they could be the outlines of the shadows that the circles are casting. The points in this photo can be any of the circles that you see. The plane can be the space around all the circles and the space in between them.
The lines in this picture are the long poles or the out lines of the poles the points could be the top end of the long poles. The plane of the photo could be the space in between the poles or the clouds, even the top ends of the long poles.
The lines could be all the zigzags of the stairs in this photograph. The points could be the the ends of the lines in the zigzags of the squares. The planes can be found in the space between the lines created by the stairs or the yellow spaces around the stairs.
The lines are the large figures winding up the photo. The points could be the ends of the winding figures or they could be the little round figures found on the figures. The plane can be the spaces found around the figures and inside them as well.
Well point out, the lines are the lines creating the stairs on the top and bottom of the photograph. They're also the ridges and paint textures found on the stairs. The little tomatoes found along the steps can be the points of the photograph. The space of the stairs can be the plane as well as the space in between the stairs of the inside space of the tomatoes.
The thick black lines found throughout the photo are the lines The space in between the thick black lines can be the plane.The area around the small dots can also be the plane. The little bumps found throughout the photograph can be considered the point.

All around the door we find the lines of the photograph as well as the lines of the window. You could also us the lines in between the bricks all over the red wall. The points are at the end of each line on the door also around the window and the bricks. The plane can be the white door, the black window or even the red wall.
The lines could be the white middle part of the feather or even the little ridges in between the actual feather. The point of the photograph could be any of the many gravel like rocks. In between the lines of the feather could be the plane. Even the long white middle of the feather could be considered the plane.
The large round window at the top of the photograph has many lines coming from the middle of it. Those could be the line of the photo, or even the out line of the black windows can be the lines. The point can be found in the middle of the white window, at the end of each line coming from the middle of the window or even the ends of the lines creating the outline for the black windows. The plane could be the space in between the lines of the white window and the space around all of the black windows.
Lines can be anywhere from the long painted wire holders going up the wall or the lines in between the yellow and blue bricks. The points could be at the end of each line where the yellow and blue bricks are. Also the round black camera lenses could be considered a point. The space in between the yellow and blue brick could be considered the plan as well as the black lenses of the camera.
This photo explains itself for point, line, plane. The lines are found on the green bench or even the line creating the white circles. The point of the photograph can be found at the end of each line on the green bench. You could also use the three white circles in the middle of the photo as the point. The plane could be the space in between the three white circles also the space around it.
The lines are the outline of the "E" also the outline of the little square next to it. The point is the black dot found on the "E." And the plane could be the space inside the "E" also the space inside the little square.
The lines are the lines are the panels found all around the photo. Also the frame of the window can be the lines. The point of the photo can be a the end if every line in the window frame. The plane is found in between the lines that are found on the window frame.
The line are the ridges found on the leaf. There's also a line found in the middle of the leaf. The point could be the little water drop. The plane can be anywhere from the space in between the middle of the feather the or even the space in between the little water drop.